Mental Health Matters Community
Proudly Supporting the
@pe.movement #Pemovement
“You never know what a person is truly going through....
A person may be going through
- huge decisions and changes in life
- new or ongoing medical issues
- issues with family dynamics
- a recent loss of family/friend
- family/friend illness
ork issues or been put off work
- financial issues
- rejections in varying areas of importance in their life
- numerous on numerous other things can be listed
Having personally had issues with mental health and again recently struggling due to/with a few of the above things its just a reminder to all out there to be mindful of their actions, words, jokes and behaviours.....
Lucky for me I have a close couple of people in my life who I can rely on, who can see changes in me early, talk me through things and support me back up out of the dark....
Mental health matters!!!! Break the stigma, have the conversation!!!
Kathleen Spence
“People think depression, anxiety and/or mental health disorders is sadness. People think it’s crying uncontrollably, but people are wrong. Having mental health is a constant feeling of being numb, being numb to emotions and being numb to what is happening around you. We all experience a form of mental health and it’s fuelled by a desperate need to stop noise. I’ve had depression and saw my wife go through the darkest times of her life.
This tee represents more than a small business. This tee represents an individual that has gone through ‘personal evolution’ - PE Movement.
Please support Laura to continue to use her voice and personal experience to educate others on mental health and the battle that comes with it - a true warrior.”
Vani Frosini
“There is still a stigma around mental health and people are still scared to speak up about their mental health and others.
I couldn’t be more proud of my beautiful friend @pe.movement who is getting this word out MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS... I would love to see women and men out there wearing these tops with pride so head over to her page and get yourself one and let’s get people talking about mental health.”
Tamara Beasley
Make sure you adopt the concept and support those around you that may be suffering from mental illness, especially you stubborn males. Females tend to reach out and support each other but guys tend to hide it and keep their suffering quiet. Drop your egos and your pride and reach out if you need help or if you see a friend that might be in a dark place just check on them.
Sometimes a chat or showing you care can make all the difference, who knows, one day you might be the one needing an ear or a hug.
I just wanted to thank those that have supported Laura’s brand and cause this far, it’s one person trying to reach out to the masses creating awareness and offering support to those in need through physical activity, I’m so proud of her as I see the behind the scenes of how much effort and care she puts into this cause.
Hopefully 2021 is a much better year for all of you out there and I hope to catch up with friends I haven’t seen in way too long. Stay fit and mentally healthy.
Cesar Mora
“If I could tell you one thing it would be: you’re never as broken as you think you are. Sure, you have a couple of scars and a couple of bad memories, but then again all great heroes do. Mental Health Matters:”
Robert May
Proud to wear my Mental Health Matters Tee today on my walk. I hope that my community know that I am a safe person to speak to if they ever find themselves struggling.
Don’t shy away from actually straight out asking someone “How is your mental health?” Like really taking the time to do this. We’ve come a long way in reducing stigma but it’s not every day that we hear these words in the street, and I believe that we can and should be doing this within our communities. There are a lot of socially isolated people that do not have care or a strong support network and this can be felt even more over the holiday period between Christmas and new year.
Check in on your strong friends, your quiet friends and family members. A reminder that people can be hiding a lot under the smiles and walls they put up. Especially over this holiday season. Know the warning signs when somebody is struggling and start a conversation today.
If you are feeling alone or struggling know that there is always someone who is willing to hear you. They may not be able to fix the problems or the pain but they can help ease the load.
Having lost far to many over the years to suicide and battled depression, anxiety ptsd and anorexia, myself, this is a cause forever close to my heart♡
The truth of the matter is, life can be incredibly hard and complex. You are never alone and there is support out there. My DM is open to anyone who needs to talk.
Chelsea Antman @ritualandbloom
“Massive shoutout and thanks to Laura @pe.movement for sending me three quality T’s to help support her great work on mental health and well-being.
It doesn’t cost anything to be positive or to take a little time out to just ask.... how you doing !!! So no excuses please people get over to @pe.movement and share the love we all have for one another.”
Darren Livesy
“Well fuck me it has been a crazy couple years and the enormous pressure, stress, feeling of been degraded from losing there job or business we can all relate to the mental health we have all endured. We all have a story to tell that has caused trauma, anxiety, social anxiety, trust issues and so much more.
There are some that know me very well and there are some that have only just recently came into my life that know I have struggled with depression for many years but because I never wanted attention in that way or sympathy it way my determination to make a large positive impact that has really motivated me to help promote a friends business that is pure and honest. Cesar and his amazing wife Laura-Louise Mora started a company called PE MOVEMENT.
Cesar was such a high influence in my life growing up in the skating world with both @cesarmora and @shaneyost who would travel the world and would give me the advice and support that I needed to influence and mould me into the man I am today.
From the conversations I have had with Laura I can already tell she is one strong and special person with a heart of pure gold that wants to change the world for the better and she has my upmost respect.
Please head over to their shop and show your support, the impact it could have on a persons life by you just wearing their shirt could change the world forever.”
Scott Sanders
Wearing T-shirts that start important conversations is the new black 🙌😉
Mental health conversations get to be had on a regular basis because they matter & save lives.
You can spark an important conversation by grabbing one of these T shirts by @pe.movement and you can use my code NA10 for a little discount.
“For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” - 2 Timothy 1:7
Nicola Ayres
“Loving my new shirt from @pe.movement supporting a lovely ladies great cause #mentalhealthmatters don’t ever be afraid to speak out.
Let’s stop the stigma behind mental health.”
Amanda Rostirolla
“Mental health is just as important as physical health.
Supporting a small business owner who cares enough to tell her truth. Check out @pe.movement and support a cause close to most of us, if not all of us.
We all know somebody who suffers with mental health or has gone through it.
I’ve been there and know how important it is to be able to talk about it without the shame attached to it and have a network around you who are willing to hold you tight.”
Maria Gentle
❤❤ rocking my new tee dress today from Laura @pe.movement.
Majority of us have our own story.....I have mine and few people know it but I’m getting more comfortable and open with sharing it.....we need to smash the stigma outta the park.....have/start a conversation with someone, anyone....I know too many people who didn't and sadly we now miss them in our lives....
Everyone please know I’ll always be here for a chat no matter what time of day or night...⠀⠀
Kathleen Spence
“Mental health, disabilities, impairments and helping those who struggle to gain confidence, build Independence and skills is a focus.
Loving my new shirts from @pe.movement”
Alyson Ray
“Today is World Mental Health Day.
So today, I'm doing Coffee & Conversation. Check in on your loved ones and have a chat about mental health. It matters.
Check out Pe.movement if you're interested in the t-shirt. Great conversation starter!”
Emma Peters
“Mental Health Matters”, cause it does. PE Movement, is a health and fitness business from Sydney, NSW. Owned and operated by Laura Mora and her husband, the most talented and high profile rollerblader of the 90’s Cesar Mora. This T Shirt has been designed to remind us all to check in with our friends and family, to speak up when we are not mentally well and create awareness around the #mentalhealthmatters movement.
As some of you will know and some won’t. I have battled over the years with my own mental health issues. I am proud to represent positive mental health causes and movements. There is still so much stigma and lack of understanding around mental health issues and illnesses. This must change. We must speak. We must educate. There is nothing to be ashamed about. 1 in 4 people in Australia will suffer some form of mental health issue in their lifetime. Let’s break the stigma, let’s understand.⠀
Please pop over to PE Movements FB Page and give it a like. These are good people doing great things and promoting exercise for mental health therapy. It’s the best medicine.⠀
Thank you
Matt Perry
“If you asked me this time last year what mental health meant to me, I would have answered something along the lines of “Only some people have to worry about it, like those diagnosed with anxiety or depression”. Ask me now and it’s a whole new world, it’s actually a big part of my day-to-day life. ⠀
Recognising my emotions, being mindful while doing a chore, moving daily are just some of the things I now do to continue on my journey of mental health. Not because I was told to, not because I have to but because we all need to. ⠀
If you haven’t changed your way of thinking when it comes to mental health in a while, perhaps this post will have you open your mind and change your perspective on the matter. ⠀
If you are looking for support or need some inspiration on your feed, follow my girl, Laura @pe.movement . She’s the one that gave me this awesome tee that I (honestly) wouldn’t have worn a year ago and now feel it’s nothing but necessary to wear to share the message. ⠀
Guys, mental health ACTUALLY DOES matter 🤗”
Emma Screnci
“Never forget the strength behind the struggle. 💜
Ceylan Fletcher
This is my best friend Laura! She is the founder of @pe.movement
This beautiful girl has been there for me through thick n thin. I’m so lucky to be an ambassador for @pe.movement
Go check out the merch and support a cause that is very close in our hearts #mentalhealthmatters
Ashley Tozer
Hi Laura I hope you are well, I’m fundraising this month and often wear this tank. Cancer is as much a mental journey as it is physical so I like to wear it but anyway today I walked by a person I haven’t seen in years and wearing this led her to open up about her current mental health battles we chatted for a while.
The point is had I not had mental health matters across my tee she would never have opened up about it so well done you and for getting the message out there even if you get to one person at one point or another it’s a win.
Donna Thomson